Dustin and Faith Minter



Japan is a beautiful, and unique island lying off the East coast of Asia. Currently the population (2020) is estimated at 126,476,461 people, yet only 1% of people in Japan are Christian. This makes for a huge opportunity to share God’s love, and make disciples.

Dustin has a degree in Biblical Leadership, and Faith has a degree in Social Work – together they do their best to use these skills to empower, love, and serve the local church and people in their community. They hope to continually be an encouragement to believers and the local church while spreading God’s joyous love everywhere they go.

Both Dustin and Faith have traveled immensely through missions, most recently serving in North Macedonia for two years. They have hearts to serve for the Lord. They love adventure, and wish nothing more than to be the hands and feet of Christ.
Dustin and Faith ask you to partner with them in prayer, not only for them throughout this journey seeking the lost – but also for the country of Japan, and the local church they are partnering with.