Rodney and Judy Tilley


The Tilleys come from a long history of Muslim missions in the Middle East. They have been involved in church planting, evangelism, and pastoral counseling for over 40 years. Their favorite scripture that is related to missions comes from Paul’s example in I Thess. 2:8, “We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel but our lives as well, because you became so dear to us.”

Paul’s admonishment will be the theme of their ministry as they play the role of Barnabas, the son of encouragement, to all the CTEN missionaries in the USA and Canada. They hope to share, listen, encourage, and pray for those that continue to minister on the front lines of missions. The Tilleys desire that you too support their efforts with prayer, concern, finances, and a passion for them and for those that they will minister to.

The Tilleys have two boys, who have families, along with three grandchildren, who also serve the Lord in missions.