Guru D&R



The Great Commission has 4 parts. Most are familiar with the command to GO into all the world, MAKE DISCIPLES, and to BAPTIZE the new converts. But the 4th part must also be done, which is to TEACH them to become doers of all that Jesus commanded.

My work is primarily a teaching ministry, with a focus upon (1) groups of current church leaders, and (2) training centers such as Bible Schools where the next crop of pastors, evangelists, and church planters are getting ready to launch their own ministries.

In this age of the internet, I am regularly reached by church leaders from many nations via email or text. Often, I find that their questions or problems require that I show them from Scripture what are the Lord's answers and wisdom on how to proceed and how to solve problems according to His ways. In 2023, a sample collection of these communications became the source of my first book titled, "Messages from a Sent One," now available from Amazon in hardback, soft, or e-book.

At this writing, the Lord has blessed me to be in full time service in His fields abroad for over 38 years. He has opened doors for me to serve in as many as 37 nations. Though my primary fields and language skills are in the region of S.E. Asia, yet He gives me contacts which range from Mexico down to South America, many island nations of the Caribbean, as well as in eastern Europe. My motto could be, "Have Bible, Will Travel."