Kim and Jamie Lath


Kim and Jamie Lath will be serving in Tokyo, Japan to share the Gospel and disciple believers in sharing their faith and discipling others. Japan is less than 1% Christian with many having no idea who Jesus is. Kim and Jamie feel a burden to share truth with the millions of people in Japan. Even more so, they feel a great desire to equip Japanese Christians to share with their own friends and family about the one true God.

Kim is a Cambodian refugee who spent most of his life in Texas. He sees God’s hand in how God brought Kim out of the refugee camp and into neighborhoods where Christians were reaching out to the inner-city kids. He became a Christian as a teen. Jamie grew up in a more rural setting, and although attending church throughout her childhood, she did not come to embrace her faith until she started college. Before marriage, she had thought she would be a missionary to Japan but felt that God asked her to let go of that dream before she ever met Kim.

After marriage, they spent two years in Taipei, Taiwan working with missionary kids at an international school. Their heart was to return Taiwan later, but God turned their hearts toward Japan when a missionary friend in Japan urged them to pray. These missionaries were seeing an interest in discipleship that went beyond their capabilities. The harvest was ripe and the workers were truly not enough.

The Lath family asks that you partner with them in helping reap this harvest by reaching out to Japanese people who do not know Christ and helping Japanese believers reach out to their circles as well. Your prayers and gifts will impact lives for eternity.