Kyle and Shelby Randel


Thailand is 95% Buddhist, 4% Muslim, and 1% everything else. Kyle and Shelby want to be a light for Jesus in this place that so desperately needs him! Kyle and Shelby serve at an international church in Phuket, Thailand called All Nations Church Phuket. Shelby is the director of the children’s ministry, and her role includes teaching the kids regularly at Sunday school and managing the Sunday school volunteers. Shelby has a huge heart for discipleship, community building, and fostering a welcoming environment for everyone through sharing God’s Word and showing hospitality. 

Kyle serves as the connect team leader, and his role includes getting new church members plugged into the church, leading a weekly small group, and connecting younger believers with those in the church who can disciple them. Kyle and Shelby together serve the church through hospitality by hosting church staff meetings, dinners, and other events. In addition to serving with the church, Kyle has a passion for evangelism, which he does regularly at the local mall. He also serves as a teacher and mentor at a Bible-based gap semester program. He is also pursuing a degree online in Christian Ministry & Leadership through Talbot Theological Seminary.