Bob Hager


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“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
– Acts 1:8

Bob serves behind the scenes of Anchor Point Media (formerly known as J832) creating engaging films for reaching the lost and drawing people closer to Jesus.

The Lord put it on Bob’s heart to create the Anchor Point Media ministry to spread the Gospel and deepen personal relationships with Jesus through the creation/production of short video teachings and other online ministry material. The videos produced feature pastors, scholars, and leaders who teach biblically-sound doctrine and who share Bob’s desire to reach the world with the love and hope of Jesus.

Through the generosity of supporters, the videos and material produced are openly and freely shared through a variety of online resources, online ministries, and by individuals. With approximately 1.5 billion English speakers worldwide and the proliferation of smart devices, the Anchor Point Media ministry has great potential to reach countless people throughout the world with the Gospel message and the hope of Jesus.

You can contact Bob directly at or visit his missionary website at to learn more about his story and how God is using him.

 You can, also, discover more about this ministry at and see firsthand the engaging teaching videos created to reach the lost and those wanting to grow closer to Jesus.