Carter and Danielle Jackson


Carter and Danielle Jackson serve in West Africa and are currently partnering with the ministry, “Love Goes Ministries”. Through their partnership with the local church, Love Goes Ministries is dedicated to sharing the good news of the Kingdom of God and empowering locals to reach their communities for the Gospel. We are committed to discipling locals by giving formal theological training and equipping them to do the work of an evangelist.

The Jacksons felt God calling them to the unreached people groups of West Africa. Their heart is to see the light of the gospel permeate this country by partnering with the local church and helping equip and raise local leaders who can go and carry this light amongst their people.

Carter and Danielle were married in 2020 and served in Honduras as missionaries for three years before moving to West Africa. They have two young children, Emmitt and Shiloh.