Adopted June 14, 2019
All board members, volunteers, independent contractor missionaries, and staff are included in the scope of this policy, hereafter to be called CTEN Personnel.
CTEN Personnel will be only those who are new creatures in Christ, who have a deep love for Him, and who are motivated by that love to involvement in the global spread of the gospel of Christ and the growth of His church.
All CTEN Personnel must wholeheartedly and without reservation agree to CTEN's Statement of Faith.
CTEN Personnel accept the Bible as their final authority for life and conduct.
CTEN respects the right of ecclesiastical entities in different cultures to set standards of conduct beyond, but not contrary to the text of Scripture. CTEN Personnel working in collaboration with such ecclesiastical bodies must respect those standards while serving with CTEN.
CTEN personnel will be responsible for abiding by the local and national laws insofar as there is no contradiction with biblical requirements.
Because of the prevalence and overt nature of sexual temptation in most societies, we affirm that sexual activity is celebrated only within the bounds of a heterosexual biblical marriage that is legally recognized. (Cf. Board Clarifications on Matter of Sexuality and Marriage, Adopted December 4, 2015)
Although typically, CTEN will not make contact with the sending church of a missionary charged with a moral conduct violation without prior consultation with him or her, CTEN reserves the right to communicate with the sending church or other entities as required by law, even if the individual objects.
If any CTEN Personnel are not committed to resisting sexual temptation, refraining from sexual immorality, and transforming their behavior to bring it continually more in line with the light of biblical teachings, then it is clear that the person does not view the Bible as the "final authority in all matters of … conduct". Such a person would not be in agreement with our statement of faith.