Claire Ulrich
Claire will serve with an organization called Exodus in Northern Ireland, in their center of ministry near Belfast. The goal of Exodus is to encourage and equip generations of young people to become life-long followers of Jesus. They do this through discipleship groups, short-term missions, opportunities to serve, mentoring, internships, and more. Claire will serve as a Ministry Partnerships and Area Support Worker. She will spend part of her time connecting with local churches and sharing the stories of what God is doing in the lives of Exodus students. The other part of her role will involve mentoring and discipling young people, as well as leading school programs and small groups.
Claire served in ministry in the United States from 2019 – 2021 before moving to the Republic of Ireland and serving there until 2024. She has a passion for sharing the love of Jesus with young people and those who feel like outsiders, and is looking forward to being a part of what the Lord is doing in Northern Ireland.