Cristina Gavaziuc


Cristina Gavaziuc serves with Hope Church in Craiova, Romania, assisting Pastor Raul Costea in his ministry. Her responsibilities include handling administrative tasks, managing communication, maintaining financial records, and coordinating schedules. She also manages social media and provides ministry updates to keep partners informed.

 As the administrator of the church’s new building, Cristina ensures the facility is maintained, organized, and prepared for weekly services and events. With the help of others, she takes care of cleaning, managing payments, handling maintenance needs, and overseeing the logistics of church activities.

 Cristina originally connected with Romania through a mission trip called the World Race, which took her to 11 different countries in 11 months. During that time, she had the opportunity to serve alongside Pastor Raul, where she discovered how her spiritual gift of Helps could support the work of the church. With strengths in organization, time management, discernment, office management, communication, problem-solving, and technical skills, she plays a key role in ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of the ministry.

 Cristina is passionate about helping believers discover and use their spiritual gifts for God’s glory and the growth of His Kingdom. She also encourages others to address past wounds and find freedom in Christ. She believes the power of the Holy Spirit is essential for transformation in every believer’s life.

Cristina was born in Romania and speaks Romanian fluently, but having spent 29 years in the United States, she understands both cultures well. This experience equips her to bridge the gap between Romania and the U.S., fostering strong connections between the local church and international mission teams. She plays a key role in helping teams from the U.S. and other English-speaking countries navigate cultural differences, ensuring effective collaboration and communication. Her bilingual abilities also enable her to assist with translation, further supporting teamwork and ministry efforts.