Jaime and Annika Clore


Jaime and Annika will serve in the Basque Country of Northern Spain. Their ministry is focused on church planting in the area of Leioa. In partnership with a local pastor and the Bilbao International Church (BIC), their team seeks to obey the call that God placed on their lives to proclaim salvation in Christ among all peoples and to work with others to establish biblical, reproducing churches in Spain.

Leioa is a town of over 30,000 people, near Bilbao, and located near the University of Basque Country. Some of the great challenges of the region are atheism, secularism, and obscurantism, among other things. There is little evangelical presence.

Jaime has been working in Spain as a church planter since 2013. He and Annika met in 2022 while Annika was serving on a short-term trip to the Basque Country. They were married in November 2023 and their daughter Amy was born in September 2024.