Kees Boer


Kees Boer is originally from the Netherlands. He spent his teenage years doing ministry aboard about 1000 merchant ships from over 80 countries. After graduating from Florida Bible College, he worked for several decades with a campus church at the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL.

In the last seven years, he functioned as a volunteer coordinator with Compassion International and found sponsors for around 500 children.

During his work with Compassion, he developed a deep love for the people of Bolivia and started volunteering with several of the partner churches of Compassion in Bolivia

While in Bolivia, Kees noticed that the real poverty they suffered from was spiritual. So, he is going back to Bolivia to start a house-church planting movement, beginning in the city of Cochabamba.

The goal is to have small quickly reproducible house-churches all over Bolivia. This will result in all of Bolivia being reached with the Gospel in the next three to five years. After Bolivia is reached with the Gospel, he is planning to continue this same pattern in other Latin American countries.

Will you prayerfully consider joining my team in spreading the Gospel in Bolivia? I need prayer and financial teammates who will enable me to carry out the vision God has given me.