Crystal and Elmer Cardenas


Elmer and Crystal were married in 2017 and after serving for many years as staff missionaries with Calvary Rosarito, they followed their love for missions and people and completed the Calvary Rosarito Church Planting Classes and were sent out to plant Calvary Chapel Loreto at the end of 2020.

Elmer is the Senior Pastor at Calvary Chapel Loreto and leads the youth group and following his passion for church planting leads Calvary Loreto’s church planting class; where he reaches, equips, and sends out disciples to plant more churches.  Crystal was called to serve the Lord, alongside Elmer, and leads the Women of Faith women’s ministry and so much more.  Elmer and Crystal are a pastor and wife team that have servant’s hearts and a love for God which allows for them to follow Jesus’ teaching in Mark 10:43; ‘to be great in the kingdom of God; one must first be a servant’; as they take on every and any job that is needed within Calvary Chapel Loreto.

Loreto, Baja California Sur is a beautiful community with a population of about 29,000 people; with many that are lost, hurt, and broken and who do not know the Lord and need to be reached for Jesus and His Kingdom.  As a bilingual church, Calvary Chapel Loreto meets the needs for the nationals as well as the large population of expats that call Loreto their home.  Since arriving to Loreto on January 8, 2021, Elmer and Crystal have seen the Lord doing amazing things and they believe that one day Loreto will be known as a God-fearing city and are thankful for all prayer and support towards their ministry.