Dany and Camden (Jordan) Di Gilio


Dany and Camden seek to build up the body of Christ through serving pastors and missionaries in Mexico. They’re based in Pijijiapan, Chiapas.


Dany grew up in a missionary home in Mexico. God put a burden in his heart for missionary work in Mexico at a young age. He studied at a Word of Life Bible Institute. He served under the same organization for seven years through tech support, multimedia, and directing the student ministries department. In 2017, Dany helped begin the ministry of Alcance (Reach), which encourages a missionary vision for believers in the cities of Mexico by connecting them to believers in rural areas through missions trips involving evangelism, discipleship, and humanitarian projects.

Camden grew up in Virginia. At 14 God called her to full-time service and He cultivated in her a love for foreign missions. She studied at a Word of Life Bible Institute and then went to Mexico for a cross-cultural internship in 2011, where she first met Dany. God lead her to serve in Mexico full-time. She’s served through teaching, Bible clubs, training for missionary interns, and student life staff at a Bible Institute.

Dany and Camden were married in 2019 and serve together on several Alcance trips and in the development of Aguas de Reposo (Still Waters) ministry. After 10 years of serving in Mexico, God has used friendships with missionaries and churches from all over the country (along with their personal experiences) to convince them of the importance of a place to minister to the lives of those in full-time ministry. By serving them through hospitality and connecting them to Christian counselors in difficult times, they seek to strengthen their hearts, families, and ministries in the Lord. They are currently raising funds for the ministry’s property and buildings on the coast of Chiapas.”