As CTEN missionaries, we enjoy a great deal of freedom to pursue the unique call God has on all of our lives. However, with every freedom comes responsibility. According to Romans 13, one of those responsibilities is submission to God through submission to the governing authorities. This document lays out some of the required responsibilities we need to fulfill in order to continue to enjoy that freedom of ministry. Your cooperation with these requirements allows us to remain in compliance with those we, as a mission, are accountable to.
Cooperation in Accountability
For the sake of accountability to those CTEN is responsible to, we are required to be aware of what you are doing (the ministry you are involved in) and be aware of times you are not involved in that ministry (vacation periods). Because your Pastoral Care couple are your primary contact at CTEN, if any of these situations arise, consult them before making plans or public announcements.
• Changes in ministry focus or location
Over time, new ministry opportunities may develop. As soon as you see that a change may be coming, we need to be made aware and involved in the process. Bring us in the loop as soon as you sense something may be changing. Remember CTEN serves missionaries serving in full-time ministry and raising full support to enable their ministries.
• Change of contact information
In the event of an emergency, natural disaster, political turmoil, donor questions, etc. we need a reliable way to quickly contact you. Keep us aware of changes in your address, phone numbers, email, etc. If it is something you would tell your close family, we need to be made aware of it, too.
• Sickness or Emergency
Let us know about any major sickness, hospitalization, family crisis or other emergency. Not only do we want to be praying for you but we frequently get calls from donors and others asking for information. The more we know the better it is for you, your supporters and your home church.
• Travel out of country of service
For safety, security and other reasons, it is required that you let us know when you are going to be out of your country of service for support raising, vacation, a conference, or for whatever reason. In the event of a natural disaster, political turmoil, other emergencies, to answer a donor question and simply for the sake of accountability, we need to know if you are in or out of your country of service.
Cooperation in Vacation and Time Away from Ministry
For CTEN to remain in compliance and submission to the governing authorities we have to set limits on the time any of us can be away from ministry and still be paid (aka paid vacation).
Missionaries based in their passport country …
can be paid up to two weeks per calendar year for vacation/paid time off and up to two additional weeks to do the ministry of fundraising. This time is non-cumulative – in other words, if you do not take the entire two-week vacation one year you cannot take additional weeks the next year.
If a situation arises that requires you to be away from your normal ministry for more than four weeks a year talk to your Pastoral Care couple before making any plans or purchasing tickets. They will see if it can be approved as paid time off. Otherwise, the additional time away from ministry will be non-paid time off.
Missionaries based outside their passport country …
can be paid up to four weeks per calendar year for vacation/paid time off and up to two additional weeks to do the ministry of fundraising. Vacation/Support Raising time not taken can accumulate up to a maximum of six months.
If a situation arises that requires you to be away from your normal ministry for more than six weeks a year talk to your Pastoral Care couple before making any plans or purchasing tickets. They will see if it can be approved as paid time off. Otherwise, the additional time away from ministry will be non-paid time off.
Cooperation with Pastoral Care
Hebrews 13:17 defines the ministry of Pastoral Care and our responsibility to them: “…they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you.”
Your Pastoral Care couple are called upon regularly to “give an account” for how you are doing spiritually, physically, emotionally, financially and in every area of your ministry. On weekdays the entire CTEN staff meets for prayer and they are asked to give specific information as to how we can pray for you. Additionally, they are often called upon to report to CTEN administration, your home church, pastors, current and potential donors.
Your Pastoral Care couple are your primary points of contact. For your benefit and so your Pastoral Care couple can do their work with joy, not as a burden, it is important that you communicate regularly with them.
Communication Goal: Beyond the written quarterly report for administration (mentioned below), the goal of Pastoral Care is some form of contact with you at least monthly via a call, video call (Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, etc.), email, texts, personal visits or even an old-fashioned newsletter.
Pastoral Care Visits: Your Pastoral Care couple plans to visit you every 18-24 months for a first-hand look at your work, to meet co-workers and to bring encouragement and care from your ministry partners at CTEN. While they are interested in what you are doing, their primary concern is you and your health – spiritually, emotionally, physically and otherwise.
Cooperation in Reporting
CTEN is required to be aware of what you are doing in ministry and approve times you are away from your main ministry. Without the following reports, received in a timely manner, we are not able to continue funding you.
1. Quarterly
We need to hear from you, in writing, at least quarterly.
This can easily be accomplished by simply making sure your Pastoral Care couple and the home office get copies of printed and emailed newsletters and any other donor reports you send. If you do not send newsletters or donor reports we still need to hear from you within each quarter (by April 1, July 1, October 1 and January 1) with a detailed report on your ministry activities in order for us to continue paying you.
Note: Facebook posts, tweets, blogs and other social media posts do not fulfill this requirement because we cannot ensure your posts will be seen or that the home office can retain them to show to those we are accountable to.
2. Annually
We need a report of your ministry expenses.
We do not need receipts. We do not need details of every dime spent. But we are required to be able to show what percentage of the funds we pay you each year that are spent to accomplish our mission of getting the gospel to the nations.
This is not as complicated as it sounds because, now that you are a self-employed independent contractor with CTEN, you will likely be preparing such a list of ministry expenses to file your taxes (Part II of Schedule C). A report similar to the schedule C will meet this requirement. We will provide a template to guide you in preparing this expense report. The annual report is due April 30 of each year. We must receive the completed annual report by April 30 in order for us to be able to continue paying you.
More will be explained on this when you attend orientation or you can check with your Pastoral Care couple if you have questions.
Cooperation in Training
Security Online Training Course
CTEN wants you to stay safe on the field so you can minister more effectively. If you cannot function due to crime or fear of crime, you will be ineffective. For this reason, the CTEN’s Living Safe with Security online training course is mandatory for all missionaries and spouses joining CTEN. You will have 60 days to complete the training.
Four times a year (March, June, September and December) the home office staff conducts an intensive three-day orientation at the US home office in Texas. This orientation provides an opportunity for you to personally interact with the staff and learn more about the many resources CTEN has to offer to make you more effective in your calling. Over the years, missionaries with as many as 20, 30 and even 40 years of field service have attended – some rather reluctantly at first – but, without exception, all went away glad they came and saying it was a valuable experience well-worth the investment of time and money.
In our over 25 years of sending missionaries, we have found that missionaries who attend the orientation are better equipped, better funded and have greater longevity in their calling than those who have not attended. For that reason, attendance at an orientation, at the earliest possible time, is mandatory for all missionaries and spouses joining CTEN.
Cooperation in Obedience to The Command of Christ
CTEN is an interdenominational cooperative effort of brothers and sisters in the Family of God working together to help each of us be more effective in what God has called us to do. We represent a variety of denominations and theological viewpoints all working together to exalt the name of our common Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. By joining CTEN you are pledging you will do your part to foster a harmonious, family relationship of love and mutual respect in obedience to the command of Christ: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:34)
“For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man.” (2 Corinthians 8:21)