Kacie Kripner
Kacie Kripner is the founder of Humble Road, which partners with up to twelve young women a year in leadership and character development.
Humble Road comes alongside these women to help develop confidence in their God-given identity, global perspective, effective leadership skills, and boldness in making disciples as we live both in the United States and serve internationally.
Throughout Kacie’s previous work with teenagers and young adults, both locally and internationally, God began to give her a vision for an area where she continually saw a gap and a struggle. God shone a light on insecurities and lies that so many young women carry with them, that God has never spoken over them. Things that the devil can distort and steal so much from younger generations, and oftentimes change the course of their lives as they enter adulthood. Humble Road was created to speak life into young women, as we uncover who God has designed us to be, dig into character development, serve and build international relationships, and lay personal foundations for effective leadership. This is a year-long program, designed for a group of twelve young women to walk through together.
Kacie is currently in a transition period, as she was living in Uganda, and thought that was where God had her long term. As that shifted, she took time to be still and hear where and what God was calling her to. First, this vision came, but she continued to be still in a time of healing. About a year ago, she felt the confidence of God that it was time to begin developing Humble Road.
Please join Kacie in prayer as this new journey is beginning. Pray for clarity and confidence to follow exactly how God is leading. Her heart is that every aspect of Humble Road will honor and glorify God.