Sean and Claudia Raybuck


Sean & Claudia Raybuck answered the Lord’s call to serve as missionaries in Corpus Christi, Texas. After pursuing overseas mission work, the Lord redirected their steps to serve as stateside missionaries. While in Corpus, they have helped to raise up over 20 local missionaries who are currently engaging thousands of residents plus property staff at local apartment complexes in the area, who are all actively leading others to the Lord & starting bible studies (in partnership with a non-profit). They have worked with nearly 15 churches in the area, as well as numerous youth groups, to train over 500 people in how to share the gospel, how to engage people door-to-door, how to disciple someone, and in other needed training.

They have partnered with an established local church where they actively serve at, as well as lead a discipleship ministry and church out of their own home where they regularly take people in for discipleship, mentoring, and support.

Through their ministry, many new people have not only come to faith in Christ but have become active and healthy disciples of Christ who are leading others to the Lord as well as discipling them, creating a culture of discipleship, evangelism, shepherding, and spiritual care.

The Lord is using the Raybuck family in great ways to fulfill the Great Commission. Would you consider partnering with them for the advancement of the good news of Jesus in Corpus Christi?