Heath and Kirstyn Dooley
Kirstyn and Heath Dooley have been serving the Lord in Honduras since 2020. They both have a passion for and love of the Honduran people and culture.
Kirstyn and Heath are involved in a ministry called Harvest Honduras. It is a non-profit organization that strives to use evidence-based medicine to provide hope and healing to God's children in low-resource areas of Honduras while also offering an avenue for sharing the gospel of Christ with the spiritually unreached.
Kirstyn and Heath serve as intern/mission team coordinators and communication specialists. They plan and guide teams and interns to come and serve alongside the Harvest Honduras ministry. Their vision is for every Honduran to have access to united, sustainable, and gospel-promoting healthcare ministries.
In addition to their roles as communication specialists, Kirstyn assists with school check-ups, clinic support, and, in the near future, will work as a doula in the labor area of the clinic. Heath provides transportation for teams and interns, maintains the mission house, and operates an in-home gym ministry.
Together, Kirstyn and Heath help the Honduran people and the community of Siguatepeque to further God’s Kingdom. Please pray for them, and if you feel led to support this young couple, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. God bless.