Rebekah and Tito Garro


Tito and Rebekah have been serving God together in the city of Mendoza, Argentina, since 2012. Their vision is:

1. Win and make disciples of Christ, helping them follow His teachings and bear fruit for His glory.

2. Help their local church grow and expand to new areas of Argentina and the rest of the world through training, missions, and sister church planting.

Together, they work with a local church: Iglesia del Dios Viviente, where Tito is part of the pastoral team of elders. They serve on the worship team and through teaching, counseling, and the “Bible Club” to reach out to teens and young couples of Mendoza through open-air evangelism, discipleship, hospitality, and counseling.

Rebe is an MK from Quebec, Canada and Tito is a local “Mendocino”. They met as students in 2009 at Word of Life Argentina. Rebekah is a nurse and works in primary care on occasion. Tito does side jobs in construction. Tito and Rebe have had a heart for adoption since 2017. They adopted Argentinian siblings Eithan and Emily in July 2022. God then blessed them with a miracle baby, Isaac in March 2023 and a surprise baby, Sarah in August 2024! 

Tito and Rebe are excited about what God is doing in Mendoza and what He will do! If you’re looking for an occasion to be a prayer and/or financial partner for missions, they would love to get to know you!